Saturday, February 7, 2009

Those bitches at Fashion Week...

Whether you categorize pets in clothing as a joy or a concern, I think you'll get a kick out of this slide show: , which was sent to me by one of you, my wonderful readers. It's in Flash format, so I can't cut and paste the images to bitch about them specifically here, but these are some of my general thoughts:

Clothing on dogs is a tricky proposition. Personally, I think you want to stick with the Donald Duck strategy and clothe the upper torso only. This means no pants, shorts, or skirts. Ever. Dapper jackets and pert pageboy caps are okay. I think the most successful look in the slide show is the Doberman in the military jacket. Super, super chic. In fact, I kind of want a Doberman now, just so I can parade around South Robertson with it in matching jackets.

Random memory: in the neighborhood where I grew up, there was an elderly man who used to sort of shuffle/jog with his Basset Hound every morning. The kicker is that they wore matching sweatsuits. Are you dead from the cute?

1 comment:

  1. I secretly like dogs in tutus. Not gonna lie. Especially if it's a bulldog. But in that case I don't want anything on top. Just the tutu.

    Also, I think a pit bull in a tutu would be hilarious. The irony!

    Cats in clothing is a no no. They will kill you.
