Monday, February 2, 2009

An odd little situation.

Have you ever received a friend suggestion on Facebook? You know, "Joe Bob thinks you should be friends with so-and-so," that sort of thing? Well I just received a suggestion that I befriend a girl I knew in high school who was absolutely horrible to me. She was part of my social group, but constantly sniped about me behind my back, stole money from me, and eventually engaged in a public showdown where she told me how awful I was and that no one wanted to be friends with me anymore. Ladies, if you have ever been bullied by another girl, you are probably familiar with this barbaric schoolyard ritual. It's less obvious than a fist fight, but the consequences can be deeper and longer lasting. Case in point: the fact that I'm blogging about one over 13 years after it happened.

Part of me wants to befriend her out of curiosity, just so I can confirm that her life is nowhere near as fabulous as mine. Part of me wants to ignore the suggestion and never think about her again as long as I live. Readers, what would you do?


  1. Jessica is a genius. I would do exactly that.

  2. Was it someone I knew or am "friends" with on Facebook?
