Saturday, January 24, 2009

It's a sin.

Genocide?  That's bad.  Spitting out your wafer?  That's reaaally bad.


  1. Oh give me a break! I'm gonna get my hand on a box of those crackers and serve them at my next dinner party. Maybe with an artisanal Gruyere.

  2. Oh well that makes perfect sense! It's not Jesus until they say so. That's when the magic happens!

    It's such a bubbling cauldron of shit that I can't believe it. Good luck with all those Catholic wives. You can't quite prepare yourself for turbo-catholics until you meet them.

    My friend Kate has turbo catholic relatives and this is the e-mail one of them sent her father when she found out he was voting for Obama:

    Dear Mike,
    May Jesus' Holy Spirit be with you.

    I have been deeply concerned for you, praying and fasting for you (and those vulnerable souls who have been led astray by your example), since I heard that you were openly supporting Obama. It has been on my heart to write to you, since if I don't try to warn you about how your support of Obama is clearly against the Church's teaching that we must do all possible to defend life and not participate (even in voting) in abortions, your sin will be on my soul. Jesus says that we should warn our brothers when they are falling into sin, and so I write to you with His great love and in His humility to beg you to please reconsider what you are doing. There is still time. I pray that Jesus' Mercy can help you see that this 100% radical pro-abortion candidate will cause an even greater holocaust of the unborn in our country. Because I know that your heart is usually open to searching out truth (even radically) I wanted to send you this video clip from Fr. Corapi -perhaps if you hear his explanation, your heart will be softened and enlightened with the Light of God.
    I know that any one of us could be led astray in these dark times by the devil who comes as an 'angel of light' -and so only by uniting together in union with Mother Church and Her teachings will we be able to find truth and conquer sin.

    Please be assured of my continued prayers for you and your family and all of those who have been affected by your example in regards to the election. May the Father of Mercies grant all of us wisdom (a listening heart), strength and courageous love unto death on the Cross united with Jesus.
    in Jesus' holy Name, Blessing and Love,

    (name deleted)
