Thursday, March 19, 2009

America may have the greatest amount of white trash...

...but England's white trash is definitely the trashiest.


  1. First of all, we need to talk about how stupid it is that the British measure weight in "stones". I happen to know that a stone is 14 lbs but it relates in no way to the metric system. I hate them for this.

    Second of all, if you're too fat to work then you shouldn't. And then you'll starve. And then you'll be thin enough to work. The government shouldn't be paying them for this.

    Third of all, I hate people who say they don't have time to work out, especially since NONE OF THEM WORK. I hope the worst for them.

    Also, no one is REALLY genetically overweight. If you eat fewer calories than you burn you WILL lose weight, no matter what species you are.

  2. "We have cereal for breakfast, bacon butties for lunch and microwave pies with mashed potato or chips for dinner...We're fat because it's in our genes."

    Anybody else see a problem with this? And whatever bacon butties are, they're not a genetic condition.
